The print method for a multiple scaled data frame. It summarizes the msdf using values of classical test theory. Note that every line in the output tags a new stage in the development process of each gradually emerging scale.

# S3 method for msdf
print(x, digits = 2, use = "pairwise.complete.obs", ...)



a multiple scaled data frame (built with either disjoint() or overlap()).


an integer constant to determine the number of printed digits. See digits in options for details.


an optional string to specify how missing values enter the analysis. See use in cor for details. The default is set to pairwise.complete.obs.


Additional arguments to the method which will be ignored.


A list of summary statistics: the marginal corrected item-total correlation (mrit), Cronbach's alpha (alpha), and the average correlation (rbar).


use clarifies how to set up a correlation matrix in the presence of missing values. In a typical scaling process this happens at least twice. First, when determining the core items (the two items in the correlation matrix with the highest linear relationship). Second, when an item is proposed for an emerging scale.


Müller-Schneider, T. (2001). Multiple Skalierung nach dem Kristallisationsprinzip / Multiple Scaling According to the Principle of Crystallization. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 30(4), 305-315.